Listing ID:* —Please choose an option—PGG01 - PETRO CANADA with Convenience Store and 6 Rental Units - SudburyPGG02 - MOBIL with with Conv Store, 2 Bed Room Apartment, Double Wall Fibreglass - NiagaraPGG03 - ESSO with Conv Store, Tunnel and 4 Coin Carwash - 1.45hr from GTAPGG04 - ULTRAMAR with Conv. Store with Pizza Pizza LOI - 1.75hr from GTAPGG05 - ESSO with Conv Store & other income - 40mins from BramptonPGG06 - SHELL with Burger King and Double Fibreglass tanks - 1hr from GTAPGG07 - ULTRAMAR with Conv Store, LCBO, Card Lock - 30 mins from GTA
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